
Pioglitazone is effective for multiple phenotyepes of the Zucker fa/fa rat with polycystc ovary morphology and insulin resistance

BACKGROUND: Hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance may be related to the etiology of PCOS. Zucker fa/fa rats with polycystic ovary are obese, have insulin resistance without diabetes mellitus or hyperandrogenism and can be utilized as PCOS model rats without effects of hyperandrogenemia. PCOS patie...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Morishita, Miyuki, Endo, Toshiaki, Baba, Tsuyoshi, Kuno, Yoshika, Ikeda, Keiko, Kiya, Tamotsu, Honnma, Hiroyuki, Saito, Tsuyoshi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2018
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