
Giant exchange coupling and field-induced slow relaxation of magnetization in Gd(2)@C(79)N with a single-electron Gd–Gd bond

Magnetic properties of the azafullerene Gd(2)@C(79)N are studied by SQUID magnetometry. The effective exchange coupling constant j(Gd,e) between the Gd spins and the spin of unpaired electron residing on the single-electron Gd–Gd bond is determined to be 170 ± 10 cm(–1). Low temperature AC measureme...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Velkos, G., Krylov, D. S., Kirkpatrick, K., Liu, X., Spree, L., Wolter, A. U. B., Büchner, B., Dorn, H. C., Popov, A. A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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