
Cameroonian fruit bats harbor divergent viruses, including rotavirus H, bastroviruses, and picobirnaviruses using an alternative genetic code

Most human emerging infectious diseases originate from wildlife and bats are a major reservoir of viruses, a few of which have been highly pathogenic to humans. In some regions of Cameroon, bats are hunted and eaten as a delicacy. This close proximity between human and bats provides ample opportunit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Yinda, Claude Kwe, Ghogomu, Stephen Mbigha, Conceição-Neto, Nádia, Beller, Leen, Deboutte, Ward, Vanhulle, Emiel, Maes, Piet, Van Ranst, Marc, Matthijnssens, Jelle
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2018
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