
Temporal Trends in Airborne Dust Concentrations at a Large Chrysotile Mine and its Asbestos-enrichment Factories in the Russian Federation During 1951–2001

OBJECTIVES: Mining and processing of chrysotile, an established carcinogen, has been undertaken in Asbest, Russian Federation since the late 1800s. Dust concentrations were routinely recorded at the open-pit mine and its asbestos-enrichment factories. We examined the temporal trends in these dust co...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schonfeld, Sara J, Kovalevskiy, Evgeny V, Feletto, Eleonora, Bukhtiyarov, Igor V, Kashanskiy, Sergey V, Moissonier, Monika, Straif, Kurt, McCormack, Valerie A, Schüz, Joachim, Kromhout, Hans
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2017
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