
Direct quantitative identification of the “surface trans-effect”

The strong parallels between coordination chemistry and adsorption on metal surfaces, with molecules and ligands forming local bonds to individual atoms within a metal surface, have been established over many years of study. The recently proposed “surface trans-effect” (STE) appears to be a further...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Deimel, Peter S., Bababrik, Reda M., Wang, Bin, Blowey, Phil J., Rochford, Luke A., Thakur, Pardeep K., Lee, Tien-Lin, Bocquet, Marie-Laure, Barth, Johannes V., Woodruff, D. Phil, Duncan, David A., Allegretti, Francesco
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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