
Cochrane Africa: a network of evidence-informed health-care decision making across sub-saharan Africa

Cochrane Africa is a network of researchers and health stakeholders who aim to support the use of high quality Cochrane evidence to improve health outcomes in Africa. It comprises a coordinating centre in South Africa, a Francophone hub directed from Cameroon, a Southern and Eastern Africa Hub direc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mbuagbaw, Lawrence, Zogo, Pierre Ongolo, Kredo, Tamara, Durao, Solange, Young, Taryn, Effa, Emmanuel, Meremikwu, Martin, Hohlfeld, Ameer, Wiysonge, Charles
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The African Field Epidemiology Network 2018
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