
Near full length genome of a recombinant (E/D) cosavirus strain from a rural area in the central region of Brazil

In the present article we report the nearly full length genome of a Cosavirus strain (BRTO-83) isolated from a child with acute gastroenteritis, and who is an inhabitant of a rural area in the central region of Brazil. The sample was previously screened and negative for both: common enteric viruses...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: da Costa, Antonio Charlys, Luchs, Adriana, Milagres, Flavio Augusto de Pádua, Komninakis, Shirley Vasconcelos, Gill, Danielle Elise, Lobato, Márcia Cristina Alves Brito Sayão, Brustulin, Rafael, das Chagas, Rogério Togisaki, Abrão, Maria de Fátima Neves dos Santos, Soares, Cassia Vitória de Deus Alves, Deng, Xutao, Sabino, Ester Cerdeira, Delwart, Eric, Leal, Élcio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2018
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