
Redefining Humicola sensu stricto and related genera in the Chaetomiaceae

The traditional concept of the genus Humicola includes species that produce pigmented, thick-walled and single-celled spores laterally or terminally on hyphae or minimally differentiated conidiophores. More than 50 species have been described in the genus. Species commonly occur in soil, indoor envi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wang, X.W., Yang, F.Y., Meijer, M., Kraak, B., Sun, B.D., Jiang, Y.L., Wu, Y.M., Bai, F.Y., Seifert, K.A., Crous, P.W., Samson, R.A., Houbraken, J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre 2018
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