
Effect of Ba and Pb dual doping on the thermoelectric properties of BiCuSeO ceramics

Besides the thermoelectric properties, mechanically robust is also very important for applications in TEGs. Up to now, no studies have been reported to investigate the mechanical properties of BiCuSeO oxyselenides. In this work, the results of hardness test of pristine and Ba/Pb doped BiCuSeO are pr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Feng, Bo, Li, Guangqiang, Pan, Zhao, Hou, Yanhui, Zhang, Chengcheng, Jiang, Chengpeng, Hu, Jie, Xiang, Qiusheng, Li, Yawei, He, Zhu, Fan, Xi'an
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2018
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