
Rice UCL8, a plantacyanin gene targeted by miR408, regulates fertility by controlling pollen tube germination and growth

BACKGROUND: Pollen tube formation and growth are crucial steps that lead to seed production. Despite the importance of pollen tube growth, the molecular mechanisms implicated in its spatial and temporal control are not fully known. In this study, we found an uclacyanin gene, OsUCL8, that regulates p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zhang, Fan, Zhang, Yu-Chan, Zhang, Jin-Ping, Yu, Yang, Zhou, Yan-Fei, Feng, Yan-Zhao, Yang, Yu-Wei, Lei, Meng-Qi, He, Huang, Lian, Jian-Pin, Chen, Yue-Qin
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2018
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