
‘Feminization’ of physician workforce in Bangladesh, underlying factors and implications for health system: Insights from a mixed-methods study

BACKGROUND: Bangladesh is currently faced with an emerging scenario of increased number of female physicians in the health workforce which has health system implications. For a health system to attract and retain female physicians, information is needed regarding their motivation to choose medical p...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hossain, Puspita, Das Gupta, Rajat, YarZar, Phyoe, Salieu Jalloh, Mohamed, Tasnim, Nishat, Afrin, Ayesha, Naher, Nahitun, Hossain, Md. Tarek, Joarder, Taufique, Ahmed, Syed Masud
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2019
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