
Learning to shape virtual patient locomotor patterns: internal representations adapt to exploit interactive dynamics

This work aimed to understand the sensorimotor processes used by humans when learning how to manipulate a virtual model of locomotor dynamics. Prior research shows that when interacting with novel dynamics humans develop internal models that map neural commands to limb motion and vice versa. Whether...

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Autores principales: Hasson, Christopher J., Goodman, Sarah E.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Physiological Society 2019
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Sumario:This work aimed to understand the sensorimotor processes used by humans when learning how to manipulate a virtual model of locomotor dynamics. Prior research shows that when interacting with novel dynamics humans develop internal models that map neural commands to limb motion and vice versa. Whether this can be extrapolated to locomotor rehabilitation, a continuous and rhythmic activity that involves dynamically complex interactions, is unknown. In this case, humans could default to model-free strategies. These competing hypotheses were tested with a novel interactive locomotor simulator that reproduced the dynamics of hemiparetic gait. A group of 16 healthy subjects practiced using a small robotic manipulandum to alter the gait of a virtual patient (VP) that had an asymmetric locomotor pattern modeled after stroke survivors. The point of interaction was the ankle of the VP’s affected leg, and the goal was to make the VP’s gait symmetric. Internal model formation was probed with unexpected force channels and null force fields. Generalization was assessed by changing the target locomotor pattern and comparing outcomes with a second group of 10 naive subjects who did not practice the initial symmetric target pattern. Results supported the internal model hypothesis with aftereffects and generalization of manipulation skill. Internal models demonstrated refinements that capitalized on the natural pendular dynamics of human locomotion. This work shows that despite the complex interactive dynamics involved in shaping locomotor patterns, humans nevertheless develop and use internal models that are refined with experience. NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study aimed to understand how humans manipulate the physics of locomotion, a common task for physical therapists during locomotor rehabilitation. To achieve this aim, a novel locomotor simulator was developed that allowed participants to feel like they were manipulating the leg of a miniature virtual stroke survivor walking on a treadmill. As participants practiced improving the simulated patient’s gait, they developed generalizable internal models that capitalized on the natural pendular dynamics of locomotion.