
Effect of mouthwashes on the integrity of composite resin and resin modified glass ionomer: In vitro study

BACKGROUND: The constant search for an improved esthetic dental material has led investigators to realize that its performance depends on the conditions where the material is used. It has been probed that the contact with mouth rinses triggers alterations, reason why the aim of this study was to ide...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Armas-Vega, Ana, Casanova-Obando, Paola, Taboada-Alvear, María-Fernanda, Aldas-Ramírez, Jonathan-Eduardo, Montero-Oleas, Nadia, Viteri-García, Andrés
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Medicina Oral S.L. 2019
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