
Análise do Sistema de Informação da Vigilância de Eventos Adversos Pós-Vacinação no Brasil, 2014 a 2016

OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of vaccine adverse events (VAE) reports in the online VAE Reporting System (VAE-RS) after 2 years of operation. METHOD: A descriptive analysis of VAE reports entered into the VAE-RS between July 2014 and June 2016 was performed. RESULTS: During the study pe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Pacheco, Flávia Caselli, Domingues, Carla Magda Allan Santos, Maranhão, Ana Goretti Kalume, Carvalho, Sandra Maria Deotti, Teixeira, Antonia Maria da Silva, Braz, Rui Moreira, Rebelo, Renata Cristina Freitas, Guilhem, Dirce Bellezi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Organización Panamericana de la Salud 2018
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