
XY oocytes of sex-reversed females with a Sry mutation deviate from the normal developmental process beyond the mitotic stage()

The fertility of sex-reversed XY female mice is severely impaired by a massive loss of oocytes and failure of meiotic progression. This phenomenon remains an outstanding mystery. We sought to determine the molecular etiology of XY oocyte dysfunction by generating sex-reversed females that bear genet...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sakashita, Akihiko, Wakai, Takuya, Kawabata, Yukiko, Nishimura, Chiaki, Sotomaru, Yusuke, Alavattam, Kris G, Namekawa, Satoshi H, Kono, Tomohiro
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2019
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