
Methods, outcomes, and costs of a 2.5 year comprehensive facility-and community-based HIV testing intervention in Bukoba Municipal Council, Tanzania, 2014-2017

To diagnose ≥90% HIV-infected residents (diagnostic coverage), the Bukoba Combination Prevention Evaluation (BCPE) implemented provider-initiated (PITC), home- (HBHTC), and venue-based (VBHTC) HIV testing and counseling (HTC) intervention in Bukoba Municipal Council, a mixed urban and rural lake zon...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cham, Haddi Jatou, MacKellar, Duncan, Maruyama, Haruka, Rwabiyago, Oscar Ernest, Msumi, Omari, Steiner, Claire, Kundi, Gerald, Weber, Rachel, Byrd, Johnita, Suraratdecha, Chutima, Mengistu, Tewodaj, Churi, Eliufoo, Pals, Sherri, Madevu-Matson, Caitlin, Alexander, Geofrey, Porter, Sarah, Kazaura, Kokuhumbya, Mbilinyi, Deogratius, Morales, Fernando, Rutachunzibwa, Thomas, Justman, Jessica, Rwebembera, Anath
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2019
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