
Revisiting the ‘sterilising cure’ terminology: a call for more patient-centred perspectives on HIV cure-related research

The literature on HIV therapeutics research is rife with terminology associating ‘sterilisation’ with HIV cure. We find connotations of the word ‘sterilising’ problematic for the HIV cure research field. In this viewpoint, we review associations of sterilising with concepts of disinfection or cleans...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Newton, Luke, Necochea, Raúl, Palm, David, Taylor, Jeff, Barr, Liz, Patel, Hursch, Nathan, Anshula, Gerrard, Jo, Sylla, Laurie, Brown, Brandon, Dubé, Karine
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Mediscript Ltd 2019
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