
SAT-217 A Spontaneous and Uneventful Pregnancy in a Turner Syndrome Patient with 45,X[22]/46,X,+Mar[2]/46,Xx[1] Mosaicism: Case Report and Literature Review

Case report: Our patient was first evaluated at 5 years old (yo) because of short stature (height standard deviation score (SDS) -2.4) and recurrent acute otitis media. Her karyotype was 45,X and she did not have cardiac or renal malformations. She was treated with oxandrolone 0.0625 mg/kg/d for 20...

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Autores principales: Scalco, Renata, Malaquias, Alexsandra, Nishi, Mirian, Medeiros, Maria Aparecida, Mendonca, Berenice
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Endocrine Society 2019
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