
Study protocol of a prospective multicenter study comparing (cost-)effectiveness of a tailored interdisciplinary head and neck rehabilitation program to usual supportive care for patients treated with concomitant chemo- or bioradiotherapy

BACKGROUND: Since 2011, a tailored, interdisciplinary head and neck rehabilitation (IHNR) program, covered by the basic healthcare insurance, is offered to advanced head and neck cancer (HNC) patients in the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI). This program is developed to preserve or restore patient...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beck, Ann-Jean C. C., Passchier, Ellen, Retèl, Valesca P., Stuiver, Martijn M., van der Molen, Lisette, Klop, Willem M. C., Navran, Arash, van Harten, Wim H., van den Brekel, Michiel W. M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2019
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