
Hydrophobic nanoprecipitates formed by benzoylphenylureas and β-cyclodextrin inclusion compounds: synthesis, characterization and toxicity against aedes aegypti larvae

The aim of this work was to synthesize and characterize the inclusion compounds formed by the complexation of β-cyclodextrin (βCD) with insecticides from the class of benzoylphenylureas (BPUs), named novaluron (NOV) and diflubenzuron (DIF), beyond evaluate their larvicidal activity against Aedes aeg...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bittencourt, Vanessa Cristina Estevam, Moreira, Ana Maria dos Santos, da Silva, Jeferson Gomes, Gomides, Antônio Frederico de Freitas, Velloso-Rodrigues, Cibele, Kelmann, Regina Gendzzelevski, Mendonça, Leonardo Meneghin, Lula, Ivana Silva, Denadai, Ângelo Márcio Leite
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2019
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