
Effects of Social Interaction Mechanics in Pervasive Games on the Physical Activity Levels of Older Adults: Quasi-Experimental Study

BACKGROUND: The novel genre of pervasive games, which aim to create more fun and engaging experiences by promoting deeper immersion, could be a powerful strategy to stimulate physical activity among older adults. To use these games more effectively, it is necessary to understand how different design...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Santos, Luciano Henrique De Oliveira, Okamoto, Kazuya, Funghetto, Silvana Schwerz, Cavalli, Adriana Schüler, Hiragi, Shusuke, Yamamoto, Goshiro, Sugiyama, Osamu, Castanho, Carla Denise, Aoyama, Tomoki, Kuroda, Tomohiro
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: JMIR Publications 2019
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