
The Rise of New Alcoholic Games Among Adolescents and the Consequences in the Emergency Department: Observational Retrospective Study

BACKGROUND: The links between the internet and teenager behavior are difficult situations to control and may lead to the development of new and excessive methods of drinking alcohol during alcoholic games. Findings indicate that reported cases are very useful sources for better understanding of alco...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Barbieri, Stefania, Omizzolo, Luca, Tredese, Alberto, Vettore, Gianna, Calaon, Alberto, Behr, Astrid Ursula, Snenghi, Rossella, Montisci, Massimo, Gaudio, Rosa Maria, Paoli, Andrea, Pietrantonio, Vincenzo, Santi, Jacopo, Donato, Daniele, Carretta, Giovanni, Dolcet, Annalisa, Feltracco, Paolo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: JMIR Publications 2018
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