
Population genetic and phytochemical dataset of Saraca asoca: A traditionally important medicinal tree

The data presented in this article is in support of the research paper “Genetic and phytochemical investigations for understanding population variability of the medicinally important tree Saraca asoca to help develop conservation strategies” Hegde et al., 2018. This article provides PCR based Inter-...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hegde, Satisha, Pai, Sandeep Ramchandra, Bhagwat, Rasika M., Saini, Archana, Rathore, Poonam Kanwar, Jalalpure, Sunil Satyappa, Hegde, Harsha Vasudev, Sugunan, Attayoor Purushottaman, Gupta, Vidya S., Kholkute, Sanjiva D., Roy, Subarna
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2019
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