
Common pre-diagnostic features in individuals with different rare diseases represent a key for diagnostic support with computerized pattern recognition?

BACKGROUND: Rare diseases (RD) result in a wide variety of clinical presentations, and this creates a significant diagnostic challenge for health care professionals. We hypothesized that there exist a set of consistent and shared phenomena among all individuals affected by (different) RD during the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Grigull, Lorenz, Mehmecke, Sandra, Rother, Ann-Katrin, Blöß, Susanne, Klemann, Christian, Schumacher, Ulrike, Mücke, Urs, Kortum, Xiaowei, Lechner, Werner, Klawonn, Frank
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2019
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