
3292 Duke Integrated Physician-Scientist Development

OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: 1.Identify barriers to pursuing research for physician trainees 2.Develop a sustainable pipeline of physician-scientists at Duke 3.Coordinate physician-scientist development programs across the School of Medicine under one central Office 4.Provide infrastructure and resourc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Freel, Stephanie A., Gunn, Michael, Alspaugh, Andrew, Arepally, Gowthami, Blobe, Gerard, Hurst, Jillian, Price-Rapoza, Maria, Grantham, Ashley, Fish, Laura J., Gbadagesin, Rasheed, Permar, Sallie
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cambridge University Press 2019
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