
2098: Endogenous reverse transcriptase (LINE-1) in human platelets regulates cell morphology and protein synthetic events

OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: Endogenous RT (eRT) is necessary for the function of retrotransposons, elements that replicate via an RNA intermediate. One source of eRT activity is long interspersed elements (LINE). LINEs, of which there are several subgroups (L1, L2, L3), are retrotransposons that regul...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schwertz, Hansjorg, Rowley, Jesse W., Kraiss, Larry W., Moran, John V., Campbell, Robert A., Zimmerman, Guy A., Weyrich, Andrew S., Thomas Rondina, Matthew, Schumann, Gerald G., Thorack, Ulrike
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cambridge University Press 2018
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