
Strong dose response after immunotherapy with PQ grass using conjunctival provocation testing()

BACKGROUND: Pollinex Quattro Grass (PQ Grass) is an effective, well-tolerated, short pre-seasonal subcutaneous immunotherapy to treat seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (SAR) due to grass pollen. In this Phase II study, 4 cumulative doses of PQ Grass and placebo were evaluated to determine its op...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zielen, S., Kuna, P., Aberer, W., Lassmann, S., Pfaar, O., Klimek, L., Wade, A., Kluehr, K., Raab, J., Wessiepe, D., Lee, D., Kramer, M.F., Gunawardena, K., Higenbottam, T., Heath, M.D., Skinner, M.A., de Kam, P.J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: World Allergy Organization 2019
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