
French‐style genetics v. 2.0: The “e‐CohortE” project

In the digital age, a genetics cohort has become much more than a simple means of determining the cause of a disease. Two‐sided markets, of which 23andMe, Ancestry DNA and MyHeritage are the best known, have showed this perfectly over the last few years: a cohort has become a means of producing mass...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Stoeklé, Henri‐Corto, Bollet, Marc, Cobat, Aurélie, Charlier, Philippe, Bloch, Oudy Ch., Flatot, Jérôme, Draghi, Clément, Tolyan, Valérie, Hervé, Christian, Desvaux, Pierre, Uzan, Laurent, Grynberg, Michaël, Alcaïs, Alexandre, Tolédano, Alain, Vogt, Guillaume
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2019
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