
Investigation of potential pathogenicity of Willaertia magna by investigating the transfer of bacteria pathogenicity genes into its genome

Willaertia magna c2c maky is a thermophilic amoeba closely related to the genus Naegleria. This free-living amoeba has the ability to eliminate Legionella pneumophila, which is an amoeba-resisting bacterium living in an aquatic environment. To prevent the proliferation of L. pneumophila in cooling t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hasni, Issam, Chelkha, Nisrine, Baptiste, Emeline, Mameri, Mouh Rayane, Lachuer, Joel, Plasson, Fabrice, Colson, Philippe, La Scola, Bernard
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2019
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