
Ciguatoxin Occurrence in Food-Web Components of a Cuban Coral Reef Ecosystem: Risk-Assessment Implications

In Cuba, ciguatera poisoning associated with fish consumption is the most commonly occurring non-bacterial seafood-borne illness. Risk management through fish market regulation has existed in Cuba for decades and consists of bans on selected species above a certain weight; however, the actual occurr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Díaz-Asencio, Lisbet, Clausing, Rachel J., Vandersea, Mark, Chamero-Lago, Donaida, Gómez-Batista, Miguel, Hernández-Albernas, Joan I., Chomérat, Nicolas, Rojas-Abrahantes, Gabriel, Litaker, R. Wayne, Tester, Patricia, Diogène, Jorge, Alonso-Hernández, Carlos M., Dechraoui Bottein, Marie-Yasmine
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2019
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