
Potential Pathways and Genes Involved in Lac Synthesis and Secretion in Kerria chinensis (Hemiptera: Kerriidae) Based on Transcriptomic Analyses

Lac is a type of natural resin secreted by lac insects and is widely used in the military and other industries because of its excellent adhesion and insulation properties. The main ingredients of lac are lactones and lactides, which are formed from hydroxy fatty acids and sesquiterpene esters. In th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wang, Weiwei, Liu, Pengfei, Lu, Qin, Ling, Xiaofei, Zhang, Jinwen, Chen, Ming-Shun, Chen, Hang, Chen, Xiaoming
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2019
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