
Effects of Rivaroxaban on Biomarkers of Coagulation and Inflammation: A Post Hoc Analysis of the X-VeRT Trial

Introduction  This X-VeRT (eXplore the efficacy and safety of once-daily oral riVaroxaban for the prevention of caRdiovascular events in patients with nonvalvular aTrial fibrillation scheduled for cardioversion) substudy evaluated the effects of treatment with rivaroxaban or a vitamin-K antagonist (...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kirchhof, Paulus, Ezekowitz, Michael D., Purmah, Yanish, Schiffer, Sonja, Meng, Isabelle L., Camm, A. John, Hohnloser, Stefan H., Schulz, Anke, Wosnitza, Melanie, Cappato, Riccardo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Georg Thieme Verlag KG 2020
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