
What Should a Clinician Do When Spreading Depolarizations are Observed in a Patient?

The International Conference on Spreading Depolarizations (iCSD) held in Boca Raton, Florida, in the September of 2018 devoted a section to address the question, “What should a clinician do when spreading depolarizations are observed in a patient?” Discussants represented a wide range of expertise,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Helbok, Raimund, Hartings, Jed A., Schiefecker, Alois, Balança, Baptiste, Jewel, Sharon, Foreman, Brandon, Ercole, Ari, Balu, Ramani, Ayata, Cenk, Ngwenya, Laura, Rosenthal, Eric, Boutelle, Martyn G., Farkas, Eszter, Dreier, Jens P., Fabricius, Martin, Shuttleworth, C. William, Carlson, Andrew
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2019
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