
Cost-Effectiveness of Risk-Stratified Colorectal Cancer Screening Based on Polygenic Risk: Current Status and Future Potential

BACKGROUND: Although uniform colonoscopy screening reduces colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality, risk-based screening may be more efficient. We investigated whether CRC screening based on polygenic risk is a cost-effective alternative to current uniform screening, and if not, under what conditions it w...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Naber, Steffie K, Kundu, Suman, Kuntz, Karen M, Dotson, W David, Williams, Marc S, Zauber, Ann G, Calonge, Ned, Zallen, Doris T, Ganiats, Theodore G, Webber, Elizabeth M, Goddard, Katrina A B, Henrikson, Nora B, van Ballegooijen, Marjolein, Janssens, A Cecile J W, Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Iris
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2019
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