
A cluster of Legionnaires' disease in Belgium linked to a cooling tower, August–September 2016: practical approach and challenges

A cluster of Legionnaires' disease (LD) with 10 confirmed, three probable and four possible cases occurred in August and September 2016 in Dendermonde, Belgium. The incidence in the district was 7 cases/100 000 population, exceeding the maximum annual incidence in the previous 5 years of 1.5/10...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hammami, N., Laisnez, V., Wybo, I., Uvijn, D., Broucke, C., Van Damme, A., Van Zandweghe, L., Bultynck, W., Temmerman, W., Van De Ginste, L., Moens, T., Robesyn, E.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cambridge University Press 2019
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