
SUN-304 Hypophisitis in Patients with and Without Autoimmune Rheumatological Disease

Background: Hypophysitis is an inflammatory process of the pituitary gland with different origins. Infundibulum may be also involved, called infundibulum-hypophysitis. Sometimes, enlargement of pituitary gland causes mass effect and anterior or posterior hormonal dysfunction, including hypopituitari...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Vázquez Aguirre, Marlon Vladimir, Godoy-Alonso, Juan Pablo, la Cruz, Germán González-de, Rocha-Haro, Andrea, Ordaz-Candelario, Karla Krystel, Balbuena-Álvarez, Juan, Martínez-Jiménez, Angélica, Flores-Cárdenas, Romina, Roldan-Sarmiento, Paola, Gómez-Sámano, Miguel Ángel, Gómez-Pérez, Francisco Javier, Higuera-Calleja, Jesús, Hinojosa-Azaola, Andrea, Martin-Nares, Eduardo, Cuevas-Ramos, Daniel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2020
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