
Mangrove blue carbon stocks and dynamics are controlled by hydrogeomorphic settings and land‐use change

Globally, carbon‐rich mangrove forests are deforested and degraded due to land‐use and land‐cover change (LULCC). The impact of mangrove deforestation on carbon emissions has been reported on a global scale; however, uncertainty remains at subnational scales due to geographical variability and field...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sasmito, Sigit D., Sillanpää, Mériadec, Hayes, Matthew A., Bachri, Samsul, Saragi‐Sasmito, Meli F., Sidik, Frida, Hanggara, Bayu B., Mofu, Wolfram Y., Rumbiak, Victor I., Hendri, Taberima, Sartji, Suhaemi, Nugroho, Julius D., Pattiasina, Thomas F., Widagti, Nuryani, Barakalla, Rahajoe, Joeni S., Hartantri, Heru, Nikijuluw, Victor, Jowey, Rina N., Heatubun, Charlie D., zu Ermgassen, Philine, Worthington, Thomas A., Howard, Jennifer, Lovelock, Catherine E., Friess, Daniel A., Hutley, Lindsay B., Murdiyarso, Daniel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2020
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