
Advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) management: an expert panel recommendation from the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) and the Latin American Renal Cancer Group (LARCG)

PURPOSE: The outcome of RCC has improved considerably in the last few years, and the treatment options have increased. LACOG-GU and LARCG held a consensus meeting to develop guidelines to support the clinical decisions of physicians and other health professionals involved in the care of RCC patients...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Soares, Andrey, Monteiro, Fernando Sabino Marques, Maluf, Fernando Cotait, Bastos, Diogo Assed, Jardim, Denis Leonardo, Sasse, André Deeke, Gonçalves e Silva, Adriano, Fay, André P., da Rosa, Diogo Augusto Rodrigues, Wierman, Evanius, Kater, Fabio, Schutz, Fabio A., de Oliveira, Fernando Nunes Galvão, Morbeck, Igor Alexandre Protzner, Rinck, José Augusto, da Trindade, Karine Martins, Maia, Manuel Caitano, Souza, Vinicius Carrera, da Silva Neto, Deusdedit Cortez Vieira, de Almeida e Paula, Felipe, Korkes, Fernando, Carvalhal, Gustavo Franco, Nogueira, Lucas, de Carvalho Fernandes, Roni, dos Reis, Rodolfo Borges, Matheus, Wagner Eduardo, Busato, Wilson Francisco Schreiner, da Costa, Walter Henriques, de Cássio Zequi, Stênio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2020
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