
The Effect of Carbon Black on the Properties of Plasticised Wheat Gluten Biopolymer

Wheat gluten biopolymers generally become excessively rigid when processed without plasticisers, while the use of plasticisers, on the other hand, can deteriorate their mechanical properties. As such, this study investigated the effect of carbon black (CB) as a filler into glycerol-plasticised glute...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Das, Oisik, Capezza, Antonio J, Mårtensson, Julia, Dong, Yu, Esmaeely Neisiany, Rasoul, Pelcastre, Leonardo, Jiang, Lin, Xu, Qiang, Olsson, Richard T., Hedenqvist, Mikael S
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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