
Visual Analysis of Computer Game Output Video Stream for Gameplay Metrics

This work contains a solution for game metrics analysis based on a visual data stream dedicated for the player. The solution does not require interference in the programming code of the analyzed game and it is only based on image processing. It is possible to analyze several aspects of the game simu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kozłowski, Kamil, Korytkowski, Marcin, Szajerman, Dominik
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: 2020
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Sumario:This work contains a solution for game metrics analysis based on a visual data stream dedicated for the player. The solution does not require interference in the programming code of the analyzed game and it is only based on image processing. It is possible to analyze several aspects of the game simultaneously, for example health/energy bars, current weapon used, number of objects worn (aid kits, ammunition). There have been presented methods using cascading classifiers and their training to detect the desired objects on the screen and to prepare data for other stages of processing, e.g. OCR. The effect of the methods is a gameplay chart that allows a thorough analysis of the player’s actions in the game world and his or her advancement. The solution is fast enough that it can be used not only in previously recorded gameplay analysis, but also in real time during simultaneous gameplay.