
Diagnose, indicate, and treat severe mental illness (DITSMI) as appropriate care: A three-year follow-up study in long-term residential psychiatric patients on the effects of re-diagnosis on medication prescription, patient functioning, and hospital bed utilization

BACKGROUND. While polypharmacy is common in long-term residential psychiatric patients, prescription combinations may, from an evidence-based perspective, be irrational. Potentially, many psychiatric patients are treated on the basis of a poor diagnosis. We therefore evaluated the DITSMI model (i.e....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Veereschild, H. M., Noorthoorn, E. O., Nijman, H. L. I., Mulder, C. L., Dankers, M., Van der Veen, J. A., Loonen, A. J. M., Hutschemaekers, G. J. M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cambridge University Press 2020
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