
A demonstration project of Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Prediction of interactions between air pollution and allergen exposure—the Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK-Impact of air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis approach

This review analyzes the state and recent progress in the field of information support for pollen allergy sufferers. For decades, information available for the patients and allergologists consisted of pollen counts, which are vital but insufficient. New technology paves the way to substantial increa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sofiev, Mikhail, Palamarchuk, Yuliia, Bédard, Annabelle, Basagana, Xavier, Anto, Josep M., Kouznetsov, Rostislav, Urzua, Rodrigo Delgado, Bergmann, Karl Christian, Fonseca, Joao A., De Vries, Govert, Van Erd, Michiel, Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, Laune, Daniel, Pépin, Jean Louis, Jullian-Desayes, Ingrid, Zeng, Stephane, Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa, Bousquet, Jean
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Wolters Kluwer Health 2020
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