
Correlation Between TNFAIP2 Gene Polymorphism and Prediction/Prognosis for Gastric Cancer and Its Effect on TNFAIP2 Protein Expression

Objective: TNFAIP2 is a novel gene induced by TNF-α and participates in inflammatory reaction and tumor angiogenesis. This study aims to understand the correlation between TNFAIP2 gene polymorphism and prediction as well as prognosis of gastric cancer (GC) in a Chinese population. Methods: One thous...

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Autores principales: Guo, Fang, Xu, Qian, Lv, Zhi, Ding, Han-Xi, Sun, Li-Ping, Zheng, Zhen-Dong, Yuan, Yuan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2020
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