
Harnessing the Microbiomes of Suppressive Composts for Plant Protection: From Metagenomes to Beneficial Microorganisms and Reliable Diagnostics

Soil-borne diseases cause significant yield losses worldwide, are difficult to treat and often only limited options for disease management are available. It has long been known that compost amendments, which are routinely applied in organic and integrated farming as a part of good agricultural pract...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lutz, Stefanie, Thuerig, Barbara, Oberhaensli, Thomas, Mayerhofer, Johanna, Fuchs, Jacques G., Widmer, Franco, Freimoser, Florian M., Ahrens, Christian H.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2020
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