
Therapeutic Zfra4-10 or WWOX7-21 Peptide Induces Complex Formation of WWOX with Selective Protein Targets in Organs that Leads to Cancer Suppression and Spleen Cytotoxic Memory Z Cell Activation In Vivo

Synthetic Zfra4-10 and WWOX7-21 peptides strongly suppress cancer growth in vivo. Hypothetically, Zfra4-10 binds to the membrane Hyal-2 of spleen Z cells and activates the Hyal-2/WWOX/SMAD4 signaling for cytotoxic Z cell activation to kill cancer cells. Stimulation of membrane WWOX in the signaling...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Su, Wan-Pei, Wang, Wan-Jen, Chang, Jean-Yun, Ho, Pei-Chuan, Liu, Tsung-Yun, Wen, Kuang-Yu, Kuo, Hsiang-Ling, Chen, Yu-Jie, Huang, Shenq-Shyang, Subhan, Dudekula, Chen, Yu-An, Lu, Chen-Yu, Wu, Chia-Yun, Lin, Sing-Ru, Lee, Ming-Hui, Chiang, Ming-Fu, Sze, Chun-I, Chang, Nan-Shan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2020
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