
Setting the stage for next-generation risk assessment with non-animal approaches: the EU-ToxRisk project experience

In 2016, the European Commission launched the EU-ToxRisk research project to develop and promote animal-free approaches in toxicology. The 36 partners of this consortium used in vitro and in silico methods in the context of case studies (CSs). These CSs included both compounds with a highly defined...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Moné, M. J., Pallocca, G., Escher, S. E., Exner, T., Herzler, M., Bennekou, S. Hougaard, Kamp, H., Kroese, E. D., Leist, Marcel, Steger-Hartmann, T., van de Water, B.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2020
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