
Broadening Participation in Scientific Conferences during the Era of Social Distancing

Virtual conferences can offer significant benefits but require considerable planning and creativity to be successful. Here we describe the successes and failures of a hybrid in-person/virtual conference model. The COVID-19 epidemic presents the scientific community with an opportunity to pioneer nov...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fulcher, Michael R., Bolton, Marian L., Millican, Michael D., Michalska-Smith, Matthew J., Dundore-Arias, José Pablo, Handelsman, Jo, Klassen, Jonathan L., Milligan-Myhre, Kathryn C., Shade, Ashley, Wolfe, Benjamin E., Kinkel, Linda L.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier Ltd. 2020
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