
MondoA regulates gene expression in cholesterol biosynthesis-associated pathways required for zebrafish epiboly

The glucose-sensing Mondo pathway regulates expression of metabolic genes in mammals. Here, we characterized its function in the zebrafish and revealed an unexpected role of this pathway in vertebrate embryonic development. We showed that knockdown of mondoa impaired the early morphogenetic movement...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Weger, Meltem, Weger, Benjamin D, Schink, Andrea, Takamiya, Masanari, Stegmaier, Johannes, Gobet, Cédric, Parisi, Alice, Kobitski, Andrei Yu, Mertes, Jonas, Krone, Nils, Strähle, Uwe, Nienhaus, Gerd Ulrich, Mikut, Ralf, Gachon, Frédéric, Gut, Philipp, Dickmeis, Thomas
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd 2020
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