
Remote sensing of 10 years changes in the vegetation cover of the northwestern coastal land of Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

Accurate and up to date land use and land cover (LU/LC) changes information is the main source to understanding and assessing the environmental outcomes of such changes and is important for development plans. Thus, this study quantified the outlines of land cover variation of 10-years in the northwe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alharthi, Awad, El-Sheikh, Mohamed A., Elhag, Mohamed, Alatar, Abdulrahman A., Abbadi, Ghanim A., Abdel-Salam, Eslam M., Arif, Ibrahim A., Baeshen, Ariej A., Eid, Ebrahem M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2020
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