
Long-term fracture load of all-ceramic crowns: Effects of veneering ceramic thickness, application techniques, and cooling protocol

BACKGROUND: To evaluate, in vitro, the effects of the cooling protocol, application technique, and veneering ceramic thickness on the fracture resistance of ceramic crowns with Y-TZP frameworks. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 80 frameworks were made from zirconia by the CAD/CAM technique and divided into 8 g...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lima, Júlia-Magalhães-da Costa, Tribst, João-Paulo-Mendes, Anami, Lilian-Costa, de Melo, Renata-Marques, Moura, Dayanne-Monielle-Duarte, Souza, Rodrigo-Othávio-Assunção, Bottino, Marco-Antonio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Medicina Oral S.L. 2020
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